Misdiagnosing Sleep Apnea & ADHD
Do you have a difficult time concentrating throughout the day or notice you have a short attention span? If so, you may think that it could be a sign of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, what you may not know is that your daytime inattentiveness could be a sign of sleep apnea. ADHD and sleep apnea share similar symptoms, which is why patients who can’t get a good night’s sleep often go misdiagnosed for a long time.
Nearly 75 percent of children and adults with ADHD also suffer from sleep issues. Learn more about the signs of ADHD and how our specialist, Dr. Slobodinsky can get you the proper diagnosis and treatment for your condition.
The Shared Symptoms
ADHD and sleep apnea share similar symptoms that make the two disorders difficult to differentiate from each other. Along with feeling exhausted throughout the day, other common indicators of both disorders include:
- Forgetfulness
- Disinterest and irritability
- Disorganization
- Daytime fatigue
- Lack of focus
- Impulsivity
If you have ADHD and find yourself suffering from sleep issues, having a sleep study done may be the right next step for you. Dr. Slobodinsky can provide you with the help you need to find relief.
What Is a Sleep Study?
If you believe your ADHD could actually be a sleep disorder, our team can help. To get a proper diagnosis for sleep apnea, Dr. Slobodinsky first recommends undergoing a sleep study so that he can analyze your case and determine which treatment is right for you.
During an in-lab sleep study, your vitals will be monitored, including your oxygen saturation, heart rate, and eye movement. This information will be tracked and recorded for Dr. Slobodinsky throughout the duration of the test, which will be used later to help make a diagnosis. Our office also offers an at-home sleep test that’s more convenient and comfortable to use.
If you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, Dr. Slobodinsky will help you find the treatment option that’s right for you, right here at Sleep Well Philadelphia.